Erik MichaelsOur Actual Reality — the Disappearance of ModernityFormed in part by the question of my last article (What is our actual reality?), today’s article brings up a topic I covered a while back…Sep 45
Erik MichaelsPopular Narratives That Do Not Hold Up Under ScrutinyThe centerpiece of this article is based on the picture below which points out that we lack agency to control nature; we lack agency to…Sep 112Sep 112
Erik MichaelsIgnorance, Hubris, and StupidityAs I frequently point out, we face a series of predicaments all brought to us as a result of our own behavior of using technology, which…Feb 218Feb 218
Erik MichaelsOur Actual Reality — the Disappearance of ModernityFormed in part by the question of my last article (What is our actual reality?), today’s article brings up a topic I covered a while back…Sep 47Sep 47
Erik MichaelsOur Actual Reality — the Disappearance of ModernityFormed in part by the question of my last article (What is our actual reality?), today’s article brings up a topic I covered a while back…Sep 45
Erik MichaelsPopular Narratives That Do Not Hold Up Under ScrutinyThe centerpiece of this article is based on the picture below which points out that we lack agency to control nature; we lack agency to…Sep 112
Erik MichaelsIgnorance, Hubris, and StupidityAs I frequently point out, we face a series of predicaments all brought to us as a result of our own behavior of using technology, which…Feb 218
Erik MichaelsOur Actual Reality — the Disappearance of ModernityFormed in part by the question of my last article (What is our actual reality?), today’s article brings up a topic I covered a while back…Sep 47
Erik MichaelsMore Bargaining and HopiumThis is a great video except for the part where Peter starts talking about nuclear energy, carbon capture, and other technological hopium…Aug 75
Charlie GreenmanNavigating the Noise: The Five Key Focus Areas for Building Your Own PathIn today’s world, it’s easy to get lost in the endless stream of information, opinions, and distractions. With so much noise, many people…Aug 19
Erik MichaelsCultural Programming — Who Will Stand Up For What’s Right?Understanding the knowledge that I have isn’t easy. As the quote from Aldo Leopold that I posted last time attests to, having an…Jul 241