InIndian Bulls & BearsbySreekumar PgMeasuring Human Progress: Transitioning from HDI to SDIShifting Focus Towards Sustainable DevelopmentOct 16
Ryan FrankelMassachusetts’ Human Development Index ranks higher than Germany, most of ScandinaviaFebruary 15, 2024 —Feb 16
Víctor Manuel Ferreira MartinezWhy is not GDP and HDI accounting a progress synonym?GDP (Gross domestic product) is defined as “Monetary measure or value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time…Mar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
Dayana BennyLinks between Economic Growth and Human DevelopmentIn Human Development, India’s position is at 131 out of 189 countries and territories, according to the Human Development 2020 report [1].Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021
Dayana BennyPoverty definition in IndiaIf you own a car, then you are “Above Poverty Line”?Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
InIndian Bulls & BearsbySreekumar PgMeasuring Human Progress: Transitioning from HDI to SDIShifting Focus Towards Sustainable DevelopmentOct 16
Ryan FrankelMassachusetts’ Human Development Index ranks higher than Germany, most of ScandinaviaFebruary 15, 2024 —Feb 16
Víctor Manuel Ferreira MartinezWhy is not GDP and HDI accounting a progress synonym?GDP (Gross domestic product) is defined as “Monetary measure or value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time…Mar 3, 2022
Dayana BennyLinks between Economic Growth and Human DevelopmentIn Human Development, India’s position is at 131 out of 189 countries and territories, according to the Human Development 2020 report [1].Aug 15, 2021
Dayana BennyPoverty definition in IndiaIf you own a car, then you are “Above Poverty Line”?Aug 13, 2021
Rupparna DattaIndia’s National Education Policy 2020: Harbinger of good news or too utopian to handle? Part ITo talk about it, let’s take a look at the intended outcomes of NEP 2020 :Nov 2, 2020
Jocelyn ZhongExploring the Correlation between Corruption and Development Using RIntroductionJul 20, 2020
Anna Elvira HartoyoAre the number of occurrences of COVID-19 cases dependent on the countries’ development rank?In late December 2019, a previously unidentified virus emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. This new class of Corona Virus has been…May 22, 2020