Christina TroutThe Natural Being Framework: Justice, Forgiveness & the Path to BalanceThe Power of Awareness & IntentionFeb 15
Felix "Feli" Songoloon Fame and self absorptionFame fills our need for attention and love in the wrong wayOct 22, 20241
Catherine CruveillierSustainability, Karl Marx, Abraham Maslow, and GoldilocksCan all human needs be fulfilled forever and ever? The answer is yes.Jan 81Jan 81
InHuman PartsbySophie Lucido JohnsonAttention Is a Basic Human NeedWe’re not being vain. We’re just being human.Mar 24, 20215Mar 24, 20215
Kenneth LeongOn Happiness, Needs and WantsLast week, I created a Facebook post which says, “Buddhism teaches that suffering is caused by cravings. But most people crave for…Dec 27, 2024Dec 27, 2024
Christina TroutThe Natural Being Framework: Justice, Forgiveness & the Path to BalanceThe Power of Awareness & IntentionFeb 15
Felix "Feli" Songoloon Fame and self absorptionFame fills our need for attention and love in the wrong wayOct 22, 20241
Catherine CruveillierSustainability, Karl Marx, Abraham Maslow, and GoldilocksCan all human needs be fulfilled forever and ever? The answer is yes.Jan 81
InHuman PartsbySophie Lucido JohnsonAttention Is a Basic Human NeedWe’re not being vain. We’re just being human.Mar 24, 20215
Kenneth LeongOn Happiness, Needs and WantsLast week, I created a Facebook post which says, “Buddhism teaches that suffering is caused by cravings. But most people crave for…Dec 27, 2024
Nina BarzgaranOur Basic Human Needs — 7 Essentials to Keep in MindIn hard times, after crises the orientation, the fundamentals can get lost from view. These 7 essential steps can help.May 10, 2023
Andy HabA Comprehensive Model of Human Motivation, Behaviour, and WellbeingOriginally from my SubstackDec 19, 2024
Philosopher ScholarThree Human Needs - Safety, Significance, ConnectionI was lucky to watch an early screening of Channel 5’s Andrew Callaghan’s latest 2024 documentary Dear Kelly. They follow an extreme…Oct 7, 2024