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Truth In Satire

Former President Bush Doing All He Can To Die On Trump’s Inauguration Day

Wife Barbara joins him at death’s door in final “f**k you” to man who disparaged family legacy…

6 mensagens bizarras no clipe de Anjo Azul

O clipe do Markinhos Moura,canção Anjo Azul, gravado no programa do Chacrinha, é um bom exemplo de como os anos 80 eram errados mas podem trazer uma carga de saudade inapropriada.

enquanto o Markinhos cantava o refrão (já

Male, Queer, Feminist: Posters

I’m going to be marching on Saturday here in Chicago. Not only do I embrace the platform of the Women’s March — you can read it here — but I believe that the next four years are going to require a lot of progressives on the ground, organizing locally and not just in the…

The Misadventures of Cycling in Traffic

This video is a brief recount of the senior lady I saw yesterday who got so confused while…

