Fraidoon OmarzaiIntroduction To Computer Vision (CV) In DepthComputer Vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to interpret and make decisions based on visual…Aug 22
SumitkrsharmaGaussian High Pass Filter in Image PreprocessingHigh pass filters plays vital role in image preprocessing that amplify the details and sharpness of the image. Other high pass filters such…Aug 26Aug 26
Manik HossainAn Introduction to Thresholding Operations in OpenCVThresholding is a popular image processing technique used to convert a grayscale image into a binary image, where the pixels are either…Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
CoursesteachEssential Techniques for Image Data Preprocessing in Python for Computer VisionIntroductionJun 8Jun 8
Fraidoon OmarzaiIntroduction To Computer Vision (CV) In DepthComputer Vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to interpret and make decisions based on visual…Aug 22
SumitkrsharmaGaussian High Pass Filter in Image PreprocessingHigh pass filters plays vital role in image preprocessing that amplify the details and sharpness of the image. Other high pass filters such…Aug 26
Manik HossainAn Introduction to Thresholding Operations in OpenCVThresholding is a popular image processing technique used to convert a grayscale image into a binary image, where the pixels are either…Nov 6, 2023
CoursesteachEssential Techniques for Image Data Preprocessing in Python for Computer VisionIntroductionJun 8
InAnalytics VidhyabyIndriani SitorusIntroduction to SVM and Kernel Trick — Part 1 (Theory)What is SVM?Aug 27, 20201
From nobody to CTO (master's student stage)How to Handle Big Data via PyTorch (Image Segmentation task)Learn from my mistakes, don’t make your own :)Jan 141
Aleena RayamajhiUAV Image Preprocessing with Agisoft MetashapeAgisoft Metashape Professional for UAV Image PreprocessingApr 22, 2023