Jeremy MiklaInstilling Pride and Achieving Excellence“Most districts have a vision statement, but few know what it is or use it to guide their work.” — #LCInnovation p. 97Mar 9, 2018
Ariel JankordWhat is your WHY?In the past week, I have become a little obsessed with watching videos of Simon Sinek youtube videos. It is intriguing to listen to him…Mar 8, 2018
Ariel JankordStirring Up ChangeMy focus is not on whether kids can knock it out of the park on some science test in grade three. What I care about is that kids are…Mar 2, 2018Mar 2, 2018
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistInnovating with Help from the FamDuring the Week 1 #IMMOOC Twitter chat, Tisha Richmond introduced me to the term PLF, or Personal (or Professional) Learning Family. For…Oct 19, 2017Oct 19, 2017
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistRelax. Just Relax.If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times. You’re students are gifted. Of course they do well on standardized tests.Oct 15, 2017Oct 15, 2017
Jeremy MiklaInstilling Pride and Achieving Excellence“Most districts have a vision statement, but few know what it is or use it to guide their work.” — #LCInnovation p. 97Mar 9, 2018
Ariel JankordWhat is your WHY?In the past week, I have become a little obsessed with watching videos of Simon Sinek youtube videos. It is intriguing to listen to him…Mar 8, 2018
Ariel JankordStirring Up ChangeMy focus is not on whether kids can knock it out of the park on some science test in grade three. What I care about is that kids are…Mar 2, 2018
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistInnovating with Help from the FamDuring the Week 1 #IMMOOC Twitter chat, Tisha Richmond introduced me to the term PLF, or Personal (or Professional) Learning Family. For…Oct 19, 2017
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistRelax. Just Relax.If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times. You’re students are gifted. Of course they do well on standardized tests.Oct 15, 2017
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistStarting from Scratch — #IMMOOC Season 3More than seven years ago, a team of dedicated public school teachers answered the call to design a school to meet the needs of gifted…Oct 3, 20171
Derrall GarrisonThe Lexicographic NightmareWhy is innovation in education so crucial today?Oct 1, 2017
InThe Buist BabblebyMichael BuistNewer and Betterer in #IMMOOC (Part 3)I’m living in a massive innovation trilogy. My innovator mindset is working overtime. New grade level. New team. A new me. And for this…Sep 26, 2017