Pie the Wonder | Witchcraft EducatorHow to Write Your Own IncantationsBright Blessings, Witches! Let’s begin this post with a disclaimer: You can use pre-written incantations all the livelong day for the…Feb 13
InCatharsis ChroniclesbyMay MoreUnlock Your Inner Witch — Crafting Responsible SpellsWishes are a little like spells as both involve expressing a desire for a specific outcomeOct 933Oct 933
InDeeper Monster DosebySana 👹What Creators Can Learn from Incantation (2022) — 6 LessonsThis religious cult film is more than demonic ritualsOct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023
Robert KegelA Witchy Summer SolsticeIt was a hot summer day in the Santa Clarita valley, temperatures got over one hundred degrees. Justine and her friends who were on summer…Jul 5Jul 5
Pie the Wonder | Witchcraft EducatorHow to Write Your Own IncantationsBright Blessings, Witches! Let’s begin this post with a disclaimer: You can use pre-written incantations all the livelong day for the…Feb 13
InCatharsis ChroniclesbyMay MoreUnlock Your Inner Witch — Crafting Responsible SpellsWishes are a little like spells as both involve expressing a desire for a specific outcomeOct 933
InDeeper Monster DosebySana 👹What Creators Can Learn from Incantation (2022) — 6 LessonsThis religious cult film is more than demonic ritualsOct 24, 2023
Robert KegelA Witchy Summer SolsticeIt was a hot summer day in the Santa Clarita valley, temperatures got over one hundred degrees. Justine and her friends who were on summer…Jul 5
Melanie Venix RosePatron Deity: The ConnectionPatron Deity is when a individual has made a personal and intimate connection with a specific Deity. This connection is often a strong…Sep 3, 2023
InLampshade of ILLUMINATIONbyPatrick OConnellThe King’s Plan to Conjure up the Immortals : Chapter 3 — The Prequel to “Abalon Rising — The…Unveiling the King’s Ambition: The Forbidden Ritual to Summon the ImmortalsNov 26, 20231