Aleh Dudarau7 Relationship Mistakes I Made Every Day (And How I Managed to Avoid Them)Relationships require constant work 💪. Like many others, I used to make the same mistakes day after day, without realizing how they were…Sep 27
Laust Lauridsen, MDFrom Light Crack to Life HackYou face a challenge and look for solutions. You get a hunch of something trying to attract your attention. But the mental wall to the…Sep 1, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDGive Space to EmbraceBeing aware of your scope of mind is a good starting point for better decision-making. A simple scale, XS-XL, can ease the process.Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDThe innervative terms 5/ Mental modesThe brain is a physical structure with a vast network of neurons, which can learn and be trained by forming new connections and circuits…Jul 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020
Ali Ibn RedouanCHOLINERGIC AND ADRENERGIC INNERVATION.The innervation of the vagus or splanchnic always results two different responses.Jul 15, 2023Jul 15, 2023
Aleh Dudarau7 Relationship Mistakes I Made Every Day (And How I Managed to Avoid Them)Relationships require constant work 💪. Like many others, I used to make the same mistakes day after day, without realizing how they were…Sep 27
Laust Lauridsen, MDFrom Light Crack to Life HackYou face a challenge and look for solutions. You get a hunch of something trying to attract your attention. But the mental wall to the…Sep 1, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDGive Space to EmbraceBeing aware of your scope of mind is a good starting point for better decision-making. A simple scale, XS-XL, can ease the process.Sep 15, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDThe innervative terms 5/ Mental modesThe brain is a physical structure with a vast network of neurons, which can learn and be trained by forming new connections and circuits…Jul 31, 2020
Ali Ibn RedouanCHOLINERGIC AND ADRENERGIC INNERVATION.The innervation of the vagus or splanchnic always results two different responses.Jul 15, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDHealthy Food for Hungry MindsThese are busy times. Information overload, exponential ambitions and global challenges combine to create a dangerous cocktail that…Jun 8, 2023
Laust Lauridsen, MDBe Humankind in Your MindImagine that all brains were synchronized to produce a global mind. How would that unified mind be? Which ideas would it have? Which…May 25, 2023