The CollectorHelping the Retarded to Know GodHelping the Retarded to Know God is the title of the book by H.R. Hahn and W.H. Raasch. It was first published on January 1, 1969.Jan 211
InILLUMINATIONbyMuhammad AhmadHow To Handel It If Someone Insults You In Public!And yes it works!Aug 283
saima yasirHow to react when someone insults you?We can not avoid rude people. They are everywhere around us as a part of our society. Now or then we face them in our daily routine.Nov 19, 20238Nov 19, 20238
The CollectorIs Harry Potter Offensive?Some propose Harry Potter’s scar is the Nazi symbol corresponding to Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists.Oct 26, 2023Oct 26, 2023
The CollectorHelping the Retarded to Know GodHelping the Retarded to Know God is the title of the book by H.R. Hahn and W.H. Raasch. It was first published on January 1, 1969.Jan 211
InILLUMINATIONbyMuhammad AhmadHow To Handel It If Someone Insults You In Public!And yes it works!Aug 283
saima yasirHow to react when someone insults you?We can not avoid rude people. They are everywhere around us as a part of our society. Now or then we face them in our daily routine.Nov 19, 20238
The CollectorIs Harry Potter Offensive?Some propose Harry Potter’s scar is the Nazi symbol corresponding to Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists.Oct 26, 2023
Diana H ForstWretchedBile comes up, hard retching. Fool’s cries, begging not to let me hurl the contents up. My stomach so swole.Jun 16, 2023
InSleepy SuffolkbyChristina BarberSlap Me Once, Shame on YouI’m not waiting for the second oneMay 18, 2021