Ashay KushwahaA Conversation between the Head and the Heart.“The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” — Blaise PascalNov 30
Chiranjibi PaudyalInternal Conflict in the Bhagavad Gita:Defeating laziness, anger, greed, envy, and lust.Jul 19
CereblynI am an INFJ ( mbti framework ) with an enneagram of 1w2 , tri type most likely to be 136 if not…IndividualityNov 28Nov 28
InThe Writing CooperativebySamuel OlaniyanHow to Create an Irresistible Internal Conflict for your Protagonist6 Questions to Ask YourselfFeb 4, 20234Feb 4, 20234
Matthew ServerThe Art and Business of Writing: How to Keep Your Voice and Grow Your AudienceLet’s be real — writing is a tricky beast. On one hand, you have your creative soul, hungry to spill its guts onto the page. On the other…Nov 21Nov 21
Ashay KushwahaA Conversation between the Head and the Heart.“The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” — Blaise PascalNov 30
Chiranjibi PaudyalInternal Conflict in the Bhagavad Gita:Defeating laziness, anger, greed, envy, and lust.Jul 19
CereblynI am an INFJ ( mbti framework ) with an enneagram of 1w2 , tri type most likely to be 136 if not…IndividualityNov 28
InThe Writing CooperativebySamuel OlaniyanHow to Create an Irresistible Internal Conflict for your Protagonist6 Questions to Ask YourselfFeb 4, 20234
Matthew ServerThe Art and Business of Writing: How to Keep Your Voice and Grow Your AudienceLet’s be real — writing is a tricky beast. On one hand, you have your creative soul, hungry to spill its guts onto the page. On the other…Nov 21
Ramlila DasConflict Resolution in Bhagavad Gita- Opportunties and ChallengesThe world is in dire need of conflict management especially in this era where everyone is fighting. There is need to minimize the conflict…May 12, 2020
layo bisolaGod’s going to make me lose my mind and I’m scaredrecently. I have been wondering if I am a Fallen AngelAug 301
ReDefine Relationship CoachingDealing With Inner ConflictHave you ever found yourself in an emotional tug-of-war where conflicting thoughts or feelings tear at you from the inside?Sep 25, 2023