InThe HavenbyManali JarząbkiewiczI Wasn’t The Main Character in Her Wedding — I’m offendedThey didn’t prepare for this level of injusticeOct 820
Karen Bryant LucasWhat’s Love got to do with it?“For a dollar,” the White man said to me, “I’ll testify that he was assaulting you.”Nov 7
Gail HowardWhite Wife/Blue BabyMy memoir is out from All Things That Matter Press as a paperback, on Kindle and now….as an audio book!Nov 1Nov 1
Gail HowardSecrets and Swinging ClubsWhen I was twenty, I fell in love with someone who seemed to ache as much as I did. We’d been making our way along the sub-corridor of…Sep 27, 2023Sep 27, 2023
Jahlysa AzaretIf Every Marriage is a Rose, Mine Smells Like a DaffodilBeing in a neurodiverse marriage is a lot like cleaning a bathroom.Feb 8, 2022Feb 8, 2022
InThe HavenbyManali JarząbkiewiczI Wasn’t The Main Character in Her Wedding — I’m offendedThey didn’t prepare for this level of injusticeOct 820
Karen Bryant LucasWhat’s Love got to do with it?“For a dollar,” the White man said to me, “I’ll testify that he was assaulting you.”Nov 7
Gail HowardWhite Wife/Blue BabyMy memoir is out from All Things That Matter Press as a paperback, on Kindle and now….as an audio book!Nov 1
Gail HowardSecrets and Swinging ClubsWhen I was twenty, I fell in love with someone who seemed to ache as much as I did. We’d been making our way along the sub-corridor of…Sep 27, 2023
Jahlysa AzaretIf Every Marriage is a Rose, Mine Smells Like a DaffodilBeing in a neurodiverse marriage is a lot like cleaning a bathroom.Feb 8, 2022
notnotnotnotynmy husband is cheating on me and i know whybecause number 2 always got something to proveMay 15
InInterracial RelationsbyLawson WallaceI am a White Man She is a Black Woman We Get Along FantasticWe have both learned DiplomacyAug 22, 202218
Alex HarperWhy Black Women Should Embrace Interracial Relationships with White MenIn the realm of modern relationships, love transcends the boundaries of race and culture. Despite lingering societal barriers, interracial…Mar 27