Christoph NüssleinExams and Exam Season at KITSince I’m currently powering through exam season here at KIT, I thought I’d take a break to talk about the norms concerning tests and…Aug 9, 2019
Christoph NüssleinMid-Semester Reflection and TipsIt’s been almost a full two months since my last post, yet time seems to have just flown by. Anyway, let’s get down to it. What have I…Jun 13, 2019Jun 13, 2019
Rashmee Roshan LallCoronavirus: Is Angela Merkel’s solution to EU’s problems feasible?The coronavirus crisis has put the European Union under some stress. This is partly triggered by a single judgment delivered in a court in…May 19, 2020May 19, 2020
Christoph NüssleinPre-Departure: Why Karlsruhe Institute of Technology?To begin a guide to studying abroad in Karlsruhe, it is important to know how I even came to choose Karlsruhe for my time there (or even…Feb 11, 2019Feb 11, 2019
Christoph NüssleinExams and Exam Season at KITSince I’m currently powering through exam season here at KIT, I thought I’d take a break to talk about the norms concerning tests and…Aug 9, 2019
Christoph NüssleinMid-Semester Reflection and TipsIt’s been almost a full two months since my last post, yet time seems to have just flown by. Anyway, let’s get down to it. What have I…Jun 13, 2019
Rashmee Roshan LallCoronavirus: Is Angela Merkel’s solution to EU’s problems feasible?The coronavirus crisis has put the European Union under some stress. This is partly triggered by a single judgment delivered in a court in…May 19, 2020
Christoph NüssleinPre-Departure: Why Karlsruhe Institute of Technology?To begin a guide to studying abroad in Karlsruhe, it is important to know how I even came to choose Karlsruhe for my time there (or even…Feb 11, 2019
G-LabCumpa: Connecting People in Friendship Through Cuisine and ScienceLukas Harbig and Daniel Kraus are former students of the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe for Technology and Economy, who are very…Oct 30, 2019
Christoph NüssleinLeaving Karlsruhe and KITThese past few months have been a blast. Learning another language, meeting new people, and experiencing a new culture have all been…Aug 19, 2019