Supriya KrishnanUrban planning lessons from the Kerala floodsOriginally published as an opinion piece in Business Standard and PreventionWeb in October 2018Oct 20, 2021
stories ofmylifeTHE RISING OF Water level on August 15th(Part-I)August 15th, 2018, “From yesterday we don’t have current, and my phone didn’t have much charge so I had to switch it off to save the…Aug 1, 2020
Jayaraman KNKerala flooding of 2018 — What factors triggered the worst flooding of this century?Kerala flooding of August 2018 was man-made, ecologically sensitive ghat areas like Idukki, Waynad districts, etc were not safeguarded by…Jun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020
InMUNner’s DailybyNiranjanaWeather Science of Kerala FloodsThe great floods of Kerala took away many lives and hit the economy and the lives of the common people the hardest; rendering them of…Aug 31, 2019Aug 31, 2019
Lt Col C Preveen, FIEUse of Cloud Seeding Technology to Mitigate Loss of Life and Property Due to Floods in KeralaIn the last two years, Kerala has been seeing a lot of loss of life, cattle and property due to sudden floods caused by heavy volume of…Aug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019
Supriya KrishnanUrban planning lessons from the Kerala floodsOriginally published as an opinion piece in Business Standard and PreventionWeb in October 2018Oct 20, 2021
stories ofmylifeTHE RISING OF Water level on August 15th(Part-I)August 15th, 2018, “From yesterday we don’t have current, and my phone didn’t have much charge so I had to switch it off to save the…Aug 1, 2020
Jayaraman KNKerala flooding of 2018 — What factors triggered the worst flooding of this century?Kerala flooding of August 2018 was man-made, ecologically sensitive ghat areas like Idukki, Waynad districts, etc were not safeguarded by…Jun 23, 2020
InMUNner’s DailybyNiranjanaWeather Science of Kerala FloodsThe great floods of Kerala took away many lives and hit the economy and the lives of the common people the hardest; rendering them of…Aug 31, 2019
Lt Col C Preveen, FIEUse of Cloud Seeding Technology to Mitigate Loss of Life and Property Due to Floods in KeralaIn the last two years, Kerala has been seeing a lot of loss of life, cattle and property due to sudden floods caused by heavy volume of…Aug 13, 2019
Anant ChetanKerala Floods Part-1: Media’s RoleThe sophisticated art of deducing meaningful information from data i.e. raw facts and figures has become one of the most powerful tools…Sep 20, 2018
InGlobalGoodnessbyGlobalGivingThe Best Climate Change Solutions Are OverlookedA nonprofit leader in India challenges the status quo in climate change solutions.Sep 17, 2018