InFriktionbyFRIKTIONA body yet, that I loved so muchEverybody knows what shame is, everybody feels shame. But sometimes, it is necessary to re-explore the meaning of words, as they are very…Mar 9, 2017
InFriktionbyFRIKTIONMyriadMorblod is a collective of artists consisting of Carina Lin Sixten and Ida Lunden. Morblod is working on fetichization of the body as…Mar 9, 2017
InFriktionbyTeju Adisa-FarrarMeditation on Being: A Black Female BodyTeju Adisa-FarrarMar 8, 2017Mar 8, 2017
InFriktionbyFleurtje Eliza DuivisThe Good, the Fat and the UglyNo matter how well intended, suggestions on how to deal with chronic illness can be extremely hurtful. The tyranny lies in the implication…Mar 8, 2017Mar 8, 2017
InFriktionbyFRIKTIONA body yet, that I loved so muchEverybody knows what shame is, everybody feels shame. But sometimes, it is necessary to re-explore the meaning of words, as they are very…Mar 9, 2017
InFriktionbyFRIKTIONMyriadMorblod is a collective of artists consisting of Carina Lin Sixten and Ida Lunden. Morblod is working on fetichization of the body as…Mar 9, 2017
InFriktionbyFleurtje Eliza DuivisThe Good, the Fat and the UglyNo matter how well intended, suggestions on how to deal with chronic illness can be extremely hurtful. The tyranny lies in the implication…Mar 8, 2017