Jim GarnerLegal Aid: How Law Firms Are Cutting Their Costs Amid Record Expenses, Without Reducing ServicesHave you heard the one about the priest who became a lawyer?Apr 22
Maruti TechlabsAI for Lawyers: Can AI Robots Defend a Human in Court?Technology is not meant to displace lawyers but instead to make their work more efficient.Mar 27
Jim GarnerHow Creating Thought Leadership Content Provides Your Law Firm The Leverage It Needs To Drive…Everyone follows a leader.Feb 29Feb 29
Vicent PaulTechnology for Legal Firms: The Role of Phone Intake in Modern PracticesOct 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023
Jim Garner4 Big Reasons To Have A Good Attorney On Speed-Dial: From The Criminal To The MundaneHaving a good lawyer in your phone book is always quite handy, as there is literally a time in your life when you’ll need one, even at…Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023
Jim GarnerLegal Aid: How Law Firms Are Cutting Their Costs Amid Record Expenses, Without Reducing ServicesHave you heard the one about the priest who became a lawyer?Apr 22
Maruti TechlabsAI for Lawyers: Can AI Robots Defend a Human in Court?Technology is not meant to displace lawyers but instead to make their work more efficient.Mar 27
Jim GarnerHow Creating Thought Leadership Content Provides Your Law Firm The Leverage It Needs To Drive…Everyone follows a leader.Feb 29
Jim Garner4 Big Reasons To Have A Good Attorney On Speed-Dial: From The Criminal To The MundaneHaving a good lawyer in your phone book is always quite handy, as there is literally a time in your life when you’ll need one, even at…Oct 6, 2023
InDead Lawyers SocietybyOlya PanchenkoProduct owner and law firm partner are incompatible conceptsThe legal business is simple. In that sense, that you learned, lost or won several cases, and became more adept at communicating with…Jan 2, 2023
Janet KleinCan Attorneys & Legal Firms Use Co-working Spaces? 5 Key Factors When Choosing A Virtual OfficeYears ago, when I was working as a security guard for a small law firm, my boss told me, “Your job is to watch the office.”May 17, 2022
Shane EnriguezJudicial Decision Making — How To Choose The Right Lawyer In 6 Legal StepsSo you’re looking for a lawyer, but you have 11 million licensed options to choose from in the United States.Jun 29, 2021