listiaSDWhy Your Midlife Crisis is the Best Thing That Could Happen to You (Seriously)Imagine this: you’re standing in front of the mirror one morning, staring at your reflection, and you can’t help but wonder, “What the heck…Oct 28Oct 28
Kundalini awakening!Emergency Protocols for Kundalini Awakening1) If you know it is Kundalini do not see a medical doctor or psychiatrist unless you know that they understand. Risk of involuntary…Jul 18, 2021Jul 18, 2021
InDeep. Sweet. Valuable.byMartina Píšová --- WriteovaYoung, super talented… Lost and broke.I wish I weren’t one of them.Oct 211Oct 211
listiaSDWhy Your Midlife Crisis is the Best Thing That Could Happen to You (Seriously)Imagine this: you’re standing in front of the mirror one morning, staring at your reflection, and you can’t help but wonder, “What the heck…Oct 28
Kundalini awakening!Emergency Protocols for Kundalini Awakening1) If you know it is Kundalini do not see a medical doctor or psychiatrist unless you know that they understand. Risk of involuntary…Jul 18, 2021
InDeep. Sweet. Valuable.byMartina Píšová --- WriteovaYoung, super talented… Lost and broke.I wish I weren’t one of them.Oct 211
Arga ArifwangsaMy 30's Life — EmptinessIt is November 2nd, 2021. I am 30 years old finally.Jun 2, 20221
Reza MardianDid You Know if 30 Is the New 20?To answer the title of this piece: No, I did not. Maybe because that statement was not really quoted by researchers. I personally heard…Oct 18, 2019