Parallax AbstractionHow Not to Apologize: A Linus Tech Tips StoryLinus Media Group’s recent controversy is a textbook case of how you don’t handle a crisis.Aug 28, 2023
Dr. Mario J Pérez-RivasHow Linus Media Group Channels Fell Victim to Session Hijacking: A Cybersecurity Wake-Up CallLinus Tech Tips, a popular technology YouTube channel with over 15 million subscribers, along with two other channels under the Linus Media…May 7, 2023May 7, 2023
G.SolisIntrospective Tech TipsI stopped watching most things done by Linus Media Group years ago. Go back half-a-decade or so and it was my goto channel for tech videos…Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
Parallax AbstractionHow Not to Apologize: A Linus Tech Tips StoryLinus Media Group’s recent controversy is a textbook case of how you don’t handle a crisis.Aug 28, 2023
Dr. Mario J Pérez-RivasHow Linus Media Group Channels Fell Victim to Session Hijacking: A Cybersecurity Wake-Up CallLinus Tech Tips, a popular technology YouTube channel with over 15 million subscribers, along with two other channels under the Linus Media…May 7, 2023
G.SolisIntrospective Tech TipsI stopped watching most things done by Linus Media Group years ago. Go back half-a-decade or so and it was my goto channel for tech videos…Aug 18, 2023
InCurated NewslettersbyThe Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)Linus Media Group Doesn’t Allow Discussion About Wages Between EmployeesThat’s technically illegal in Canada but will anything be done about it when the practice is so common across North America?Feb 20, 2023
G.SolisThe LTT Hack and a possible fix?For how easy it is to mock Linus Sebastian (to the point where monetizing his roast is an actually good business decision), there’s…Mar 28, 2023
Mouhand AlkadriHow Linus Tech Tips Channel Got Hijacked: from a software engineer perspectiveOn the morning of Thursday, March 23rd of 2023 Linus Tech Tips one of mst tech Youtube channels got deleted along with 2 other…Mar 25, 2023