Brian MandlTHE 1941 LONGINES TRE TACCHEWhether it be ’60s Mustangs, Stratocasters, or old cameras, something somewhere down the line sparked my love for vintage watches. I love…Jan 4, 2017
Francis JacqueryeDissonance Buying, a Practical Example of How to Differentiate Between Two Seemingly Similar BrandsIn Understanding Luxury Brand Equity through Consumer Purchase Decision, I discussed how a consumer buying behaviour matrix allowed to…Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
Varun Mishrapersonal watch collectionWatches have always intrigued me. With the advent of smartphones, you dont really need one to see time, but it has an engineering…Jan 20, 2018Jan 20, 2018
Brian MandlTHE 1941 LONGINES TRE TACCHEWhether it be ’60s Mustangs, Stratocasters, or old cameras, something somewhere down the line sparked my love for vintage watches. I love…Jan 4, 2017
Francis JacqueryeDissonance Buying, a Practical Example of How to Differentiate Between Two Seemingly Similar BrandsIn Understanding Luxury Brand Equity through Consumer Purchase Decision, I discussed how a consumer buying behaviour matrix allowed to…Oct 5, 2020
Varun Mishrapersonal watch collectionWatches have always intrigued me. With the advent of smartphones, you dont really need one to see time, but it has an engineering…Jan 20, 2018