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Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary

I hadn’t intended on this being my first post on Medium. I have about three or four other posts on education and leadership (and probably college sports) that I want to (and will still) write about. However, life happens and those posts are still inside my head having yet to…


Originally published at One Life, Take Two.

Adélaïde’s note was like many I’ve received. She was bored in her marriage and missed the exciting sex life she had once enjoyed. She related to the stories I had written about my long marriage lacking in intimacy. “My husband, too, is like this…

Danielle, I love your description of what telling ourself what we should do feels like.
Keri Vandongen

I’m so glad you enjoyed it Keri Vandongen and it’s helpful for you. And thank you for letting me know.

I’d be honored to be quoted — I just ask for a link back to my article.

Thanks again.