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Tom Sannicandro Featured on “Tuesdays with Liz” Video Series

The ICI’s director, Tom Sannicandro, was the featured guest on a recent episode of Tuesdays with Liz.

On the episode, Sannicandro talks about his path to the Massachusetts state legislature, how being…

Your words spoke to me and I think I received them (finally) in the place where my grace resides.

You are not alone in those feelings Selma. I’ve struggled myself with them and I know I have so much more to learn. But it helps me when I remind myself there will always be something to learn. No one knows everything no matter how far ahead of us they are. I’m happy to hear my words brought you encouragement and grace.

Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing.

Celestial Embroidery Designs

Celestial Embroidery Designs:

EMBMALL is among the largest Digitizing Service provider company with over decades of experience in this industry. Some people do embroidery as their hobby while some people do it so that they can earn money. There are…