shashi jhaOracle manipulation risks in lending pools.The series of events that took place on the Mango market platform and how the attacker was able to wash of $114 million.Mar 27, 2023
InMango MarketsbygmgalactusMango Markets Simulation on Solana clusterBlockchain technology has brought about revolutionary changes in the world of finance and technology. One of the latest and most promising…Mar 14, 20231
Xander HoskinsonThe Ethics of Exploitation in DeFiThe recent Mango Markets hack, legality of code exploits, and the ethics of market manipulation in the DeFiFeb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
Crypto Saving ExpertMango Markets Sues its Exploiter, Avraham Eisenberg, for $47M Plus InterestMango Markets is suing Avraham Eisenberg for the $47 million in digital assets that he retained as a ‘bug bounty’.Jan 26, 20234Jan 26, 20234
shashi jhaOracle manipulation risks in lending pools.The series of events that took place on the Mango market platform and how the attacker was able to wash of $114 million.Mar 27, 2023
InMango MarketsbygmgalactusMango Markets Simulation on Solana clusterBlockchain technology has brought about revolutionary changes in the world of finance and technology. One of the latest and most promising…Mar 14, 20231
Xander HoskinsonThe Ethics of Exploitation in DeFiThe recent Mango Markets hack, legality of code exploits, and the ethics of market manipulation in the DeFiFeb 6, 2023
Crypto Saving ExpertMango Markets Sues its Exploiter, Avraham Eisenberg, for $47M Plus InterestMango Markets is suing Avraham Eisenberg for the $47 million in digital assets that he retained as a ‘bug bounty’.Jan 26, 20234
BluShark MediaMango Markets Is Suing Avraham Eisenberg For The Money They Gave Him In A DealNot so sweetJan 26, 2023
BluShark MediaMango Markets Is Suing Avraham Eisenberg For The Money They Gave Him In A DealNot so sweetJan 26, 2023
Crypto Saving ExpertUS SEC Charges Mango Markets Attacker with Price Manipulation of a Security, MNGOThe US SEC announced that it was charging the Mango Markets attacker, Avraham Eisenberg, with manipulating the price of MNGO.Jan 21, 20233