Emad DehnaviHow to Fine-Tune Embedding Models for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)Embedding models form the backbone of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. While pre-trained models are valuable, they often lack…Nov 27
AI SageScribeUsing Autoencoders to Reduce Embedding Dimensions with Matryoshka Representation LearningIn the ever-evolving field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, managing high-dimensional data efficiently is a persistent…Oct 14
Nicola ProcopioRe-Ranking using Qdrant’s “prefetch” and Matryoshka Representation LearningTLDR: In the previous article on Query Expansion, we saw how to use prefetch in Qdrant to run multiple queries in parallel. Here we will…Oct 181Oct 181
AnnaMatryoshka Doll — “The Russian Doll”Matryoshka dolls, also known as stacking dolls, nesting dolls, Russian tea dolls, or Russian dolls, are a collection of wooden dolls that…Apr 28Apr 28
Mike ShepardWeird West and the Matryoshka[Weird West] shifted three more times throughout the game, going deeper and deeper with each shift, like a funky little Matryoshka doll.Dec 3, 2022Dec 3, 2022
Emad DehnaviHow to Fine-Tune Embedding Models for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)Embedding models form the backbone of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. While pre-trained models are valuable, they often lack…Nov 27
AI SageScribeUsing Autoencoders to Reduce Embedding Dimensions with Matryoshka Representation LearningIn the ever-evolving field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, managing high-dimensional data efficiently is a persistent…Oct 14
Nicola ProcopioRe-Ranking using Qdrant’s “prefetch” and Matryoshka Representation LearningTLDR: In the previous article on Query Expansion, we saw how to use prefetch in Qdrant to run multiple queries in parallel. Here we will…Oct 181
AnnaMatryoshka Doll — “The Russian Doll”Matryoshka dolls, also known as stacking dolls, nesting dolls, Russian tea dolls, or Russian dolls, are a collection of wooden dolls that…Apr 28
Mike ShepardWeird West and the Matryoshka[Weird West] shifted three more times throughout the game, going deeper and deeper with each shift, like a funky little Matryoshka doll.Dec 3, 2022
Meer HamzapicoCTF — “Matryoshka doll” Hiding Data in Image within multipe layersSteganography is the practice of concealing information within objects in such a way that it deceives the viewer as if there is no…Dec 2, 2021
The Russian TreasuresHow Are The Matryoshka Dolls Painted?The matryoshka is one of the objects most commonly associated with Russia; Also called Russian nesting dolls, the matryoshkas are composed…Apr 28, 2021