Michael JosephsonBest Thought Ever on What I Wish I Knew Earlier: Maya Angelou Was Right, How You Make Someone Feel…As a precocious smart ass in high school and in later stages of my life as a law professor, parent and boss, I thought it was my right and…3d ago
Becky Whetstone, Ph.D. Marriage & Family TherapistWhen Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them.When They Show a Therapist Who They Are, It’s Over.Nov 2620
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Michael JosephsonBest Thought Ever on What I Wish I Knew Earlier: Maya Angelou Was Right, How You Make Someone Feel…As a precocious smart ass in high school and in later stages of my life as a law professor, parent and boss, I thought it was my right and…3d ago
Becky Whetstone, Ph.D. Marriage & Family TherapistWhen Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them.When They Show a Therapist Who They Are, It’s Over.Nov 2620
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Vasudha ShahMultiple-choice Questions on When Great Trees Fall by Maya Angelou10 multiple-choice questions based on Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall,” along with the correct answers:Sep 27
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