InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMeryl BaerTwo Days Two Experiences in My Visit to Costa RicaI wanted to experience the local culture of Costa Rica and succeeded, although two encounters in two days were not as expected.Feb 11
Norma SchmellingUnable to come in from the coldMy body is moved from the gurney onto a block of ice which is disguised as an operating table. The flimsy hospital gown I am wearing is…Feb 54
Ted CzukorA Silly Old Man’s Dark Night of the SoulJust in case you can relateNov 20, 202414Nov 20, 202414
Kinni LoraA Tale of Unwelcome GuestsParasites come in many forms—some you can see, others you can’t—but one thing’s certain: they don’t belong inside us. Dakota learned this…Nov 15, 20245Nov 15, 20245
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMeryl BaerTwo Days Two Experiences in My Visit to Costa RicaI wanted to experience the local culture of Costa Rica and succeeded, although two encounters in two days were not as expected.Feb 11
Norma SchmellingUnable to come in from the coldMy body is moved from the gurney onto a block of ice which is disguised as an operating table. The flimsy hospital gown I am wearing is…Feb 54
Kinni LoraA Tale of Unwelcome GuestsParasites come in many forms—some you can see, others you can’t—but one thing’s certain: they don’t belong inside us. Dakota learned this…Nov 15, 20245
Sophia TaylorSymptoms of Ulcerative ColitisIf your stomach is all in knots and you’re running in and out of the bathroom, you might wanna consider trusting that gut feeling that…Sep 25, 20247
InThe Patient’s VoicebyNevena PascalevaManaging Diabetes is Like Riding a Wild HorseWhat I know and what I’m still learningSep 18, 202446
InHealth and SciencebyDanielle Spinks-EarlIs it Stroke? Think F.A.S.T.Early treatment is vital. This acronym could save a life.Jul 31, 2024