InThisvthattvbyAya SnowSo, What Makes, or Doesn’t Make, a Character a Loli?With all the recent “thicc” comments about Kanna, from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, I thought I’d go into that…Mar 27, 2017
InThisvthattvbyAya SnowWas Hand Shakers Really That Bad?Warning: there will be minor spoilers in this, so please don’t read it if that’s going to upset you.Apr 4, 2017Apr 4, 2017
Bunny MoazedThe Bermuda Triangle — Solved?The Bermuda Triangle is less than 1000 miles long on each side of the triangle. Yet, this popular pocket of sun and sea breezes has earned…Jan 27, 20201Jan 27, 20201
InThisvthattvbyAya SnowSo, What Makes, or Doesn’t Make, a Character a Loli?With all the recent “thicc” comments about Kanna, from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, I thought I’d go into that…Mar 27, 2017
InThisvthattvbyAya SnowWas Hand Shakers Really That Bad?Warning: there will be minor spoilers in this, so please don’t read it if that’s going to upset you.Apr 4, 2017
Bunny MoazedThe Bermuda Triangle — Solved?The Bermuda Triangle is less than 1000 miles long on each side of the triangle. Yet, this popular pocket of sun and sea breezes has earned…Jan 27, 20201
InLe WagonbyLe Wagon TokyoDiscovering the best hackathons in TokyoThe hackathon culture in Tokyo has been developing over the past few years, and entrepreneurs have now various choices every week-end if…Apr 3, 2018
蓮a poem: obsessionI wanted to sing for you, and I will sing for you, that is my problem, you.Nov 30, 2019
InTokyo FinTechbyLe Wagon TokyoLaws & regulations: how Revolut is set to shake up Japan’s banking industrySome stereotypes about establishing a business in Japan die hard: the market is impossible to enter, the level of bureaucracy is…May 28, 20181