出嚟食飯Hong Kong/Taiwan Medium RSS ReaderI like Medium, but its international support is really horrible. I read a lot of Traditional Chinese articles, but my suggested reading…Jun 30, 20191
In🍽FoodiebyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍲古早排骨湯、菜飯🍚,私藏暖食 Stewed pork ribs & white radish Soup served with Vegetable rices , My Private…小時候,母親有時在週末燉排骨白蘿蔔湯,有時燉玉米排骨湯,鍋裡最好啃的排骨,就是豬肋排,燉得爛軟,輕輕一扯,就把一圈肉咬到嘴裡。Jan 26, 20181
In🥃 DrinkbyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍷2011諾瓦酒莊晚裝瓶年份 波特酒,好市多 To see Quinta Do Noval LBV Port wine in Costco , Taiwan亂世買酒,就算家財萬貫或保存科技驚人,都無法確定收藏留待他日的酒,能經得起下波天災人禍。Jan 14, 2018Jan 14, 2018
In🛫GetAwaybyKyle Chu 微風捕手🚌載走憂傷,載妳回家🏡 Wish the bus take your sorrow away & take you home只是一瞬。In the twinkling of an eye.Dec 28, 20171Dec 28, 20171
In🛫GetAwaybyKyle Chu 微風捕手古總湯最後一線光,山代溫泉 Before sunlight behind Ko-Soyu fading out, Yamashiro Onsen Japan在山代溫泉,看夕陽一點一點,在古總湯後褪去。Dec 14, 2017Dec 14, 2017
出嚟食飯Hong Kong/Taiwan Medium RSS ReaderI like Medium, but its international support is really horrible. I read a lot of Traditional Chinese articles, but my suggested reading…Jun 30, 20191
In🍽FoodiebyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍲古早排骨湯、菜飯🍚,私藏暖食 Stewed pork ribs & white radish Soup served with Vegetable rices , My Private…小時候,母親有時在週末燉排骨白蘿蔔湯,有時燉玉米排骨湯,鍋裡最好啃的排骨,就是豬肋排,燉得爛軟,輕輕一扯,就把一圈肉咬到嘴裡。Jan 26, 20181
In🥃 DrinkbyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍷2011諾瓦酒莊晚裝瓶年份 波特酒,好市多 To see Quinta Do Noval LBV Port wine in Costco , Taiwan亂世買酒,就算家財萬貫或保存科技驚人,都無法確定收藏留待他日的酒,能經得起下波天災人禍。Jan 14, 2018
In🛫GetAwaybyKyle Chu 微風捕手🚌載走憂傷,載妳回家🏡 Wish the bus take your sorrow away & take you home只是一瞬。In the twinkling of an eye.Dec 28, 20171
In🛫GetAwaybyKyle Chu 微風捕手古總湯最後一線光,山代溫泉 Before sunlight behind Ko-Soyu fading out, Yamashiro Onsen Japan在山代溫泉,看夕陽一點一點,在古總湯後褪去。Dec 14, 2017
Edward WongDid the (KMT) abandon a one party government in Taiwan because it was “the right thing to do”?Political hegemony exists in myth for Taiwan, as the schisms that plague the KMT (Kuo Min Tang) combined with macro external factors serve…Nov 7, 2017
In🍽FoodiebyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍣小棉被店變人氣餐廳,京橋日式料理 Turned a Bedding & Pillow shop to Ginchao Japanese style restaurant ,Taipei京橋日式料理,是木柵老街一家餐廳,原先不是現在這樣子。最早開張時,是跟父母(或岳父母)的小棉被店分一半來賣日本料理,當時座位不過七、八個,另一半店面還是老人家在賣棉被。Aug 5, 2017