Frederic @Mimbi, Retail Media AnalyticsMercado Libre Sponsored Products API: an inside lookMercado Libre’s Product Ads API offers a powerful toolkit for sellers and brands looking to supercharge their campaigns and achieve…Jun 17, 2024
InMercado Libre TechbyBruno MatarazzoHarnessing the power of Geo-experimentation: How Mercado Libre measures the effectiveness of its…How Mercado Libre utilized GeoLift for geo-experimentation, to run more than 20 lift test per year for both its fintech and marketplace.Jun 14, 20231
ClaridadoBest Launches in 2023 on Mercado Libre: Overview and Country HighlightsJoin us in unraveling the sales tapestry of November-December 2023 on Mercado Libre, where data meets insight.Dec 29, 2023Dec 29, 2023
InMercado Libre TechbyPedro ZenoneCausal Inference — Estimating Long-term EngagementMeasuring the impact our models generate in the business can be as complex as training and deploying themJul 8, 20211Jul 8, 20211
InMercado Libre TechbyAna Cristina Calderón CastrillonAccessible prices on iOS within Mercado LibreHow we improved the accessibility for our price component, and how it showed us the way towards new knowledge for our design system.Feb 1, 2023Feb 1, 2023
Frederic @Mimbi, Retail Media AnalyticsMercado Libre Sponsored Products API: an inside lookMercado Libre’s Product Ads API offers a powerful toolkit for sellers and brands looking to supercharge their campaigns and achieve…Jun 17, 2024
InMercado Libre TechbyBruno MatarazzoHarnessing the power of Geo-experimentation: How Mercado Libre measures the effectiveness of its…How Mercado Libre utilized GeoLift for geo-experimentation, to run more than 20 lift test per year for both its fintech and marketplace.Jun 14, 20231
ClaridadoBest Launches in 2023 on Mercado Libre: Overview and Country HighlightsJoin us in unraveling the sales tapestry of November-December 2023 on Mercado Libre, where data meets insight.Dec 29, 2023
InMercado Libre TechbyPedro ZenoneCausal Inference — Estimating Long-term EngagementMeasuring the impact our models generate in the business can be as complex as training and deploying themJul 8, 20211
InMercado Libre TechbyAna Cristina Calderón CastrillonAccessible prices on iOS within Mercado LibreHow we improved the accessibility for our price component, and how it showed us the way towards new knowledge for our design system.Feb 1, 2023
InMercado Libre TechbyJuan Eduardo Coba PuertoGlobal Time Series Forecasting models for item-level demand and sales forecasts in our MarketplaceHow we estimate future movements of sales and demand in the Marketplace by using LSTM Neural Networks for Time SeriesDec 2, 20211
InMercado Libre TechbyAngie Vianey Ariza PardoData Science for Business Analysts through our Data Seeds programThis is how we spread our analytical culture to provide greater engagement and autonomy to any business units making data driven decisions.Dec 7, 20221
InMercado Libre TechbyKevin ClemovekiPredicting package dimensions based on a similarity model at Mercado LibreWeight and package measures prediction based on the search for near neighbors.Jun 2, 20201