BIGEYEIs Airbnb Beating Resorts for Millennial Travel Bookings?Most Airbnb business comes from millennial travel, so resort marketing needs to offer the travel experiences millennials still crave.Jun 26, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare Lynton5 worlds millennial travellers could face in our new normalAt first an impossible thought, global pandemic forced millennials into a life of zero travel. But as the world begins its recovery, what…May 21, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare Lynton8 reasons why we’re fascinated by the millennial travellerMillennials are the current bane of the travel industry, but have you really tried to understand us? At Travis we’re a bunch of…May 14, 2020May 14, 2020
Brynn WeigeltAmtrack is Superior to VIA Rail. #factsI’ve traveled countless times by train from Ottawa to Toronto and Montreal. The experience has never been more than mediocre when…May 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare LyntonMeet the team behind TravisA couple of millennials fed up with the complexities of trip planning, a multi-lingual techie, a globe trotting nomad and a social media…May 5, 2020May 5, 2020
BIGEYEIs Airbnb Beating Resorts for Millennial Travel Bookings?Most Airbnb business comes from millennial travel, so resort marketing needs to offer the travel experiences millennials still crave.Jun 26, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare Lynton5 worlds millennial travellers could face in our new normalAt first an impossible thought, global pandemic forced millennials into a life of zero travel. But as the world begins its recovery, what…May 21, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare Lynton8 reasons why we’re fascinated by the millennial travellerMillennials are the current bane of the travel industry, but have you really tried to understand us? At Travis we’re a bunch of…May 14, 2020
Brynn WeigeltAmtrack is Superior to VIA Rail. #factsI’ve traveled countless times by train from Ottawa to Toronto and Montreal. The experience has never been more than mediocre when…May 13, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare LyntonMeet the team behind TravisA couple of millennials fed up with the complexities of trip planning, a multi-lingual techie, a globe trotting nomad and a social media…May 5, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare Lynton#StayHome — How to travel without actually travellingVirtual yoga, home delivery wine, or camping under the stars. Here’s our nifty guide to keep you from getting restless this long weekend.Apr 9, 2020
Intravistravis.cobyClare LyntonQuarantivity: this week’s quarantine + creativity roundup across the globe.Virtual beer tastings, drone dates and hand washing songs. They say boredom breeds creativity — what’s going on in your part of the world?Apr 3, 2020
gotyoloWhat is Making Millennials Travel so Much?Millennials are travelling more than their previous generations. According to a study done by Condor Ferries, around 82% of millennials…Mar 28, 2020