Shaifa SaleeminWrite A Catalyst3 ways how I stopped screen scrolling unnecessarilyCheck your phone consciously, not compulsivelySep 141
Julia MolnarMobile phone addict? — Quick guide to change the approach to technologyAre you one of those people who take their phones everywhere? Yes, even to the bathroom? Are you always on? Social media should have its…Jun 9
Julia MolnarNot myself, neverConstantly on, every day. Looking at my phone, let me say: where is here? what is now? Nothing is clear. Stand in row. What for another…Jun 15Jun 15
Aastha MehraA childhood diaryA mixture of nostalgia and cringe, while reading your own work after years…A new start to restore my old version.Oct 1, 2023Oct 1, 2023
Garrett SyversonTaking Control of My Phone Addiction: Lessons Learned from a 7 Day Social Media DetoxBreaking Free from the Screen: How a Social MediaFeb 16Feb 16
Shaifa SaleeminWrite A Catalyst3 ways how I stopped screen scrolling unnecessarilyCheck your phone consciously, not compulsivelySep 141
Julia MolnarMobile phone addict? — Quick guide to change the approach to technologyAre you one of those people who take their phones everywhere? Yes, even to the bathroom? Are you always on? Social media should have its…Jun 9
Julia MolnarNot myself, neverConstantly on, every day. Looking at my phone, let me say: where is here? what is now? Nothing is clear. Stand in row. What for another…Jun 15
Aastha MehraA childhood diaryA mixture of nostalgia and cringe, while reading your own work after years…A new start to restore my old version.Oct 1, 2023
Garrett SyversonTaking Control of My Phone Addiction: Lessons Learned from a 7 Day Social Media DetoxBreaking Free from the Screen: How a Social MediaFeb 16
Juliet AjaabHow to stop being addicted to your phone and reduce screentimeWho else likes to escape reality with their phone on the internet? I mean it’s really easy. All you have to do is pick up your phone and go…Sep 19, 2022
Joseph David HenryThe lazy person's quick hack to tackling and reducing screen timeGrey is the new Black — Reduce addictiveness of your mobile by turning your phone to greyscale.Sep 29, 2023