Women in Tech SocietyTapping from 6 Feet Apart: The Evolution and Rise of the Mobile Wallet Following the COVID-19…Pay It Backward: The History of the Mobile WalletJan 6, 2021
ShokworksEven before the pandemic contactless payments have been on the rise.Smarter Automatic PaymentsJul 10, 2020Jul 10, 2020
YamaPay- id miniapp SETProtect the Republic: YOU!One day each one of us will be a proud owner of SET: A self-managed personal profile (combining identity, wallet and sharing economy trust…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
ID24Vipps in POS: New Cashless trend picking up in the NordicsID24: As we sum up 2019 we include some of our top stories in our Medium channel as well. Vipps in POS and other new Cashless payments…Jan 2, 2020Jan 2, 2020
Women in Tech SocietyTapping from 6 Feet Apart: The Evolution and Rise of the Mobile Wallet Following the COVID-19…Pay It Backward: The History of the Mobile WalletJan 6, 2021
ShokworksEven before the pandemic contactless payments have been on the rise.Smarter Automatic PaymentsJul 10, 2020
YamaPay- id miniapp SETProtect the Republic: YOU!One day each one of us will be a proud owner of SET: A self-managed personal profile (combining identity, wallet and sharing economy trust…May 29, 2020
ID24Vipps in POS: New Cashless trend picking up in the NordicsID24: As we sum up 2019 we include some of our top stories in our Medium channel as well. Vipps in POS and other new Cashless payments…Jan 2, 2020
ID24MobilePay in POS: New Cashless trend picking up in the NordicsID24: As we sum up 2019 we include some of our top stories in our Medium channel as well. MobilePay in POS and other new Cashless payments…Jan 2, 2020