InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyVivilynn Amity WeaverMoonlit Surrender: Ode to ArtemisI talk little of my spiritual practice, fear of being rejected, no more, a path to healingDec 30, 20231
saira praweenThe moon landscape.In East Tennessee College scholars eager to impress Or hopeless for adventure Will defy curfews Take secret dates into…Oct 3, 2022Oct 3, 2022
InPollinate MagazinebyAnn Marie SteeleCharcoal GripTreading water like clay smoke diversSep 28, 20213Sep 28, 20213
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyVivilynn Amity WeaverMoonlit Surrender: Ode to ArtemisI talk little of my spiritual practice, fear of being rejected, no more, a path to healingDec 30, 20231
saira praweenThe moon landscape.In East Tennessee College scholars eager to impress Or hopeless for adventure Will defy curfews Take secret dates into…Oct 3, 2022
InPollinate MagazinebyAnn Marie SteeleCharcoal GripTreading water like clay smoke diversSep 28, 20213
Meredith Wilsherewhen the leaves shake and rattlethe branches catch the wind, elevated — how open the sky feels, faces pressedSep 1, 2020