Laura at of Inner ConstellationsThe Sacred Art of Inner-ScienceTraditionally, the sacred art of inner-science has been an esoteric practice that takes place outside of culture. Vertical capacities may…Apr 5
InThe Wisdom RevolutionbyChad J WoodfordA Brief Introduction to Morphic FieldsIn this post I am going to summarize the theory of morphic fields and formative causation, relying primarily on Rupert Sheldrake’s book…Dec 30, 20204
InRe-visioning ReligionbyYunus PublishingThe Nature of the Cosmic MindBoth Rupert Sheldrake and Bernardo Kastrup are outspoken critics of mechanical materialism. They share a strong focus on questions about…Mar 10Mar 10
InReading the Way of ThingsbyDaniel CoffeenThe Push & Pull of It All: Magnetism, Mercury, CharismaOften, we imagine the world’s variety of bodies—human, animal, vegetal, geological—as discrete. Just look: we can see their limits clearly…Dec 23, 2023Dec 23, 2023
Laura at of Inner ConstellationsThe Sacred Art of Inner-ScienceTraditionally, the sacred art of inner-science has been an esoteric practice that takes place outside of culture. Vertical capacities may…Apr 5
InThe Wisdom RevolutionbyChad J WoodfordA Brief Introduction to Morphic FieldsIn this post I am going to summarize the theory of morphic fields and formative causation, relying primarily on Rupert Sheldrake’s book…Dec 30, 20204
InRe-visioning ReligionbyYunus PublishingThe Nature of the Cosmic MindBoth Rupert Sheldrake and Bernardo Kastrup are outspoken critics of mechanical materialism. They share a strong focus on questions about…Mar 10
InReading the Way of ThingsbyDaniel CoffeenThe Push & Pull of It All: Magnetism, Mercury, CharismaOften, we imagine the world’s variety of bodies—human, animal, vegetal, geological—as discrete. Just look: we can see their limits clearly…Dec 23, 2023
Rosanna KalashyanThe Living Memories of Our Ancestors:Morphic Fields and Intergenerational TraumaJan 27, 2023
Juan Mauricio Rojas GarciaUnified field of consciousness: the convergence of morphic fields and morphic resonance: united in…Within the framework of Buddhist cosmogony, Brahma considers himself the creator of the universe, but like the other devas in Buddhism, he…Aug 12, 2023
Thais MantovaniRITUALS CAN SAVE THE WORLD: A NEW COSMOECOLOGYA holistic science view of rituals and morphic resonance.Mar 17, 2020