InMydexbyAlan MitchellA potential breakthrough on personal data … and productivityWhy the UK Government’s Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework may be transformational.1d ago2
InMydexbyAlan MitchellWhat IS a Personal Data Store?How exactly does a Personal Data Store work? Here’s how.Mar 13
InMydexbyAlan MitchellConnecting data ‘about me’ to the world around meGood services connect data about people with data about the world around them. Here is a breakthrough in how to do this.Jun 261Jun 261
InMydexbyAlan MitchellIs Privacy Dead?No, it isn’t. But powerful forces would like you to believe it is.Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
InMydexbyAlan MitchellDHI/Mydex project wins international awardMydex CIC is one of a group of organisations winning an international award for Technology Enabled Care.Mar 28Mar 28
InMydexbyAlan MitchellA potential breakthrough on personal data … and productivityWhy the UK Government’s Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework may be transformational.1d ago2
InMydexbyAlan MitchellWhat IS a Personal Data Store?How exactly does a Personal Data Store work? Here’s how.Mar 13
InMydexbyAlan MitchellConnecting data ‘about me’ to the world around meGood services connect data about people with data about the world around them. Here is a breakthrough in how to do this.Jun 261
InMydexbyAlan MitchellIs Privacy Dead?No, it isn’t. But powerful forces would like you to believe it is.Mar 20, 2023
InMydexbyAlan MitchellDHI/Mydex project wins international awardMydex CIC is one of a group of organisations winning an international award for Technology Enabled Care.Mar 28
InMydexbyAlan MitchellPersonal Data Stores and Data SharingTo use data, very often you need to share it. Here is how Mydex CIC’s data infrastructure helps this happen, safely and efficiently.Mar 181
InMydexbyAlan MitchellA Positive Vision for HealthBetter, more efficient health and care services are possible. They need new citizen-empowering data infrastructure to work.Mar 5
InMydexbyAlan MitchellEscaping Market MyopiaSee economic issues through the lens of markets is a very good way of NEVER understanding them. Here’s why, and a way to fix the problem.Feb 27