Adetoro AdetayoWhen Solar Savings Come at Others’ ExpenseCommissioned research and writeup for Culerson LLCNov 29
InEnergy311byAlex ShahHow to route solar energy to tenants in a multi-tenant buildingWe discuss the pros and cons of 4 different approaches for distributing solar electricity “behind the meter”, including NEM.Jan 8
dtxtransitposts(Nearly) Everybody Is Wrong about DME Solar RebatesDenton Municipal Electric (DME) is proposing drastic changes to the way they compensate solar customers for the solar on their rooftops. I…Oct 17Oct 17
#hopeWhy there is no safe way to ensure zero grid export with a Hybrid Inverter before the Net Meter…I am going to be in a situation soon where my solar electrical inspection is over, but I cannot sell to the grid before my meter is changed…Oct 2, 2023Oct 2, 2023
Zuhair AbbasiNet metering: The disproportionate responseNo one is keeping track. But if someone was, net-metering would by far be the most written-about topic in the past month in Pakistan’s…Jun 5Jun 5
Adetoro AdetayoWhen Solar Savings Come at Others’ ExpenseCommissioned research and writeup for Culerson LLCNov 29
InEnergy311byAlex ShahHow to route solar energy to tenants in a multi-tenant buildingWe discuss the pros and cons of 4 different approaches for distributing solar electricity “behind the meter”, including NEM.Jan 8
dtxtransitposts(Nearly) Everybody Is Wrong about DME Solar RebatesDenton Municipal Electric (DME) is proposing drastic changes to the way they compensate solar customers for the solar on their rooftops. I…Oct 17
#hopeWhy there is no safe way to ensure zero grid export with a Hybrid Inverter before the Net Meter…I am going to be in a situation soon where my solar electrical inspection is over, but I cannot sell to the grid before my meter is changed…Oct 2, 2023
Zuhair AbbasiNet metering: The disproportionate responseNo one is keeping track. But if someone was, net-metering would by far be the most written-about topic in the past month in Pakistan’s…Jun 5
Sunrise Movement Durham HubDuke Energy Taken to NC Court of Appeals over Attack on Rooftop SolarNC solar companies fear that widespread damage already underway, a repeat of interference with solar installers in California and other…Feb 81
#hopeClarifying the Net Metering process with Eversource in New HampshireA friend recently installed solar at their home in NH. He was confused about the process with the Utility Company after the solar install…Oct 2, 2023