ShuisamenExploring the Mythic Cosmos: A Comprehensive Summary of ‘The Prose Edda’ by Snorri SturlusonThe fundamental work of Norse mythology “The Prose Edda” by Snorri Sturluson is regarded as one of the most crucial texts for comprehending…Oct 1, 2023
Hotel CaliforniaRunes: Ancient Symbols of Mystery, Magic, and CommunicationRunes are a set of characters that were used as an alphabet in early Germanic languages. They are most famously associated with the Norse…Sep 8Sep 8
Louise MercerNorse-Gaels in Ireland between the Ninth and Tenth CenturiesThe Norse-Gaels emerged as a separate cultural and political group between the ninth and tenth centuries. The Irish called them the…Apr 6Apr 6
InRedemptionbyTommy WyattMunin Flytes: JamestownFor Gray Leaf to enter the feasts in heaven, he must first make a choice.Sep 62Sep 62
ShuisamenExploring the Mythic Cosmos: A Comprehensive Summary of ‘The Prose Edda’ by Snorri SturlusonThe fundamental work of Norse mythology “The Prose Edda” by Snorri Sturluson is regarded as one of the most crucial texts for comprehending…Oct 1, 2023
Hotel CaliforniaRunes: Ancient Symbols of Mystery, Magic, and CommunicationRunes are a set of characters that were used as an alphabet in early Germanic languages. They are most famously associated with the Norse…Sep 8
Louise MercerNorse-Gaels in Ireland between the Ninth and Tenth CenturiesThe Norse-Gaels emerged as a separate cultural and political group between the ninth and tenth centuries. The Irish called them the…Apr 6
InRedemptionbyTommy WyattMunin Flytes: JamestownFor Gray Leaf to enter the feasts in heaven, he must first make a choice.Sep 62
The Music GardenAn Introduction to Nordic MusicFor the majority of my blogs, I am going to write about Nordic and Viking Music. When I say Nordic or Viking music, you may think of…Feb 5, 20231
MythopiaMonsters of Norse MythologyThe monsters of Norse mythology may not number as high as the ones found in the Greek or Hindu legends, but what they lack in number, they…Feb 10, 2019