InByteHidebyJuan EspañaNullability in C#: Detailed GuideThis journey is going to be like that time we upgraded from an old clunky desktop to the shiny new laptop. Just like that new laptop made…Feb 28
InBetter ProgrammingbyShai AlmogEverything Bad in Java is Good for YouLet’s talk about Java’s driving philosophy: “The early bird is swallowed by a snake”Jun 14, 202316
Greg PabianNullability in TypeScriptSince TypeScript inherits JavaScript’s types, let’s revise how we can use it to reduce the number of TypeErrors and ReferenceErrors.May 17, 2019May 17, 2019
InProAndroidDevbyNav SinghGenerics Nullability - KotlinRecently, I worked with Java-based SDKs. They updated some layers in the SDK to Kotlin, specifically the interface exposed to clients.Feb 173Feb 173
Roscoe Kerby RuntimeWithRoscoe [ROSCODE]Choosing Between int and Integer in Java: When Performance Meets NullabilityJava, a popular and versatile programming language, allows developers to choose between using primitive data types like int or wrapper…Oct 23, 2023Oct 23, 2023
InByteHidebyJuan EspañaNullability in C#: Detailed GuideThis journey is going to be like that time we upgraded from an old clunky desktop to the shiny new laptop. Just like that new laptop made…Feb 28
InBetter ProgrammingbyShai AlmogEverything Bad in Java is Good for YouLet’s talk about Java’s driving philosophy: “The early bird is swallowed by a snake”Jun 14, 202316
Greg PabianNullability in TypeScriptSince TypeScript inherits JavaScript’s types, let’s revise how we can use it to reduce the number of TypeErrors and ReferenceErrors.May 17, 2019
InProAndroidDevbyNav SinghGenerics Nullability - KotlinRecently, I worked with Java-based SDKs. They updated some layers in the SDK to Kotlin, specifically the interface exposed to clients.Feb 173
Roscoe Kerby RuntimeWithRoscoe [ROSCODE]Choosing Between int and Integer in Java: When Performance Meets NullabilityJava, a popular and versatile programming language, allows developers to choose between using primitive data types like int or wrapper…Oct 23, 2023
NodrexKotlin Nullable VS Late init VS LazyKotlin is a modern language that has a couple of useful initialization mechanisms like Late initialization or Lazy initialization, but…Oct 21, 2023
Carol MusyokaNavigating Nulls: Arrow’s Option Type vs. Kotlin’s NullabilityWhen it comes to writing code, we want to be as precise as possible. Instead of relying on exceptions to handle errors, our goal should be…Sep 25, 20231