Bluesfesser FredFunctioning of Life with Learning.The structure of matter is what we can observe partially, the picture we make is one of a process in time, a coherent system of parts…Dec 1
InFossils et al.byThe Conversation U.S.Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line — so why draw it that way?If you go by editorial cartoons and T-shirts, you might have the impression that evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a…Jul 306
Muhammad AamirHow Beautiful the Diversity of Life is Present on EarthLife on Earth is an intricately woven tapestry of an incredible variety of life forms. Each style is suitable for a particular environment…Sep 215Sep 215
InILLUMINATIONbyThe One Alternative ViewWhat If We Did Away With the Concept of Species?TemporarilyJun 1314Jun 1314
Bluesfesser FredFunctioning of Life with Learning.The structure of matter is what we can observe partially, the picture we make is one of a process in time, a coherent system of parts…Dec 1
InFossils et al.byThe Conversation U.S.Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line — so why draw it that way?If you go by editorial cartoons and T-shirts, you might have the impression that evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a…Jul 306
Muhammad AamirHow Beautiful the Diversity of Life is Present on EarthLife on Earth is an intricately woven tapestry of an incredible variety of life forms. Each style is suitable for a particular environment…Sep 215
InILLUMINATIONbyThe One Alternative ViewWhat If We Did Away With the Concept of Species?TemporarilyJun 1314
SedExploring Dr. Hamer’s Fourth Biological Law: The Critical Role of Microbes in HealingIn the innovative realm of Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK), Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s Fourth Biological Law shines a light on the essential…Nov 26, 2023
Darin StevensonOn IntelligenceIntelligence can be thought of as the ability to recognize useful or revolutionary paths (or shortcuts) in traversing developmental…Sep 20
Taslema Akther Runu ( Engineer/Scientist/writer )Title: “The Astonishing Symphony of Pando: Earth’s Largest Living Organism Reveals Its Secret…Title: “The Astonishing Symphony of Pando: Earth’s Largest Living Organism Reveals Its Secret Sounds”Oct 21, 2023