Edilson Athayde JuniorProject in Practice: Data Ingestion from PostgreSQL to the Landing Zone in AdventureWorksIn this post, we will roll up our sleeves and perform the ingestion of data from a PostgreSQL database into Minio, using Apache Spark. We…Dec 3
Traveling HerbivoresGetting to Parque del Cafe in Montenegro, Colombia and what to eat as a vegan insideThe first time I ever went to Parque del Cafe was when I was around 12 years old. This has been a staple for me to visit anytime I’m back…Jan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019
InXandr-TechbyXandr EngineeringParquet: Columnar Storage for Hadoop DataAt AppNexus, over 2MM log events are ingested into our data pipeline every second. Log records are sent from upstream systems in the form…Mar 31, 2015Mar 31, 2015
Eran ShemeshJaquet — Saving your mass of eventsThis blog will describe an open source called “Jaquet”, what is the motivation behind it, why and how we built it, and how it compares with…Jul 23, 2018Jul 23, 2018
Edilson Athayde JuniorProject in Practice: Data Ingestion from PostgreSQL to the Landing Zone in AdventureWorksIn this post, we will roll up our sleeves and perform the ingestion of data from a PostgreSQL database into Minio, using Apache Spark. We…Dec 3
Traveling HerbivoresGetting to Parque del Cafe in Montenegro, Colombia and what to eat as a vegan insideThe first time I ever went to Parque del Cafe was when I was around 12 years old. This has been a staple for me to visit anytime I’m back…Jan 27, 2019
InXandr-TechbyXandr EngineeringParquet: Columnar Storage for Hadoop DataAt AppNexus, over 2MM log events are ingested into our data pipeline every second. Log records are sent from upstream systems in the form…Mar 31, 2015
Eran ShemeshJaquet — Saving your mass of eventsThis blog will describe an open source called “Jaquet”, what is the motivation behind it, why and how we built it, and how it compares with…Jul 23, 2018
InRicard HammarströmbyRicard HammarströmChilling and drinking beer in a park with @perilh #puertorico #park #parque #grancanaria #tree…Sep 1, 2012