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Personal Development

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  2. Personal Development

Book Review — How to Win Friends and Influence People

A book about learning to deal with people. It offers concrete advice on how to be honest yet diplomatic in one’s interactions.

Self-Improvement Has Made Me Worse
Niklas Göke

Niklas, what a awesome read! Love this, Harajuku Moment. Coined by Chad Fowler, Tim Ferriss defined it in The 4-Hour Body:

“It’s an epiphany that turns a nice-to-have into a must-have. There is no point in getting started until it happens. No matter how many bullet points and recipes I provide, you will need a Harajuku…
Thank you for the BONUS free advice: NEVER BE AFRAID TO RESTART.
Arvin A.

Arvin! Thank you so much for the kind words. I’m glad my story resonated with you.

Restarting is never easy. Like most things in life, you never really know how things could work out until they do.

I hope you have a great time. I don’t think there exists such a thing as failure, unless there is…

How to motivate yourself without “shoulding” on yourself

In my blog Why you set yourself demotivating conditions I focused on how easy it is to fool yourself into believing your brain works against you because of its negative bias.

Are You Sending Mixed Messages With Your Writing?
Meg Konovska

Great advice Meg Konovska illustrated well with your words.

It’s so true about repeating the lesson until we learn it. We can have two attitudes toward that. One attitude of: noooooo with internal rebellion wanting to just progress without understanding; and the other with: yes! I need to go over that again I still don’t get…

This story is unavailable.

“Work on three solid pillars for the foundation of your routine. Select no more than three actions at a time. A divided house will fall.” — Roy Huff

You said it yourself, we over-complicate our lives by trying to do too much at once. Sometimes we just need to understand that things take time. I really want to start working…