InBootcampbyRichersWhen UX meets psychology: the subtle art of user influencelearn how UX design used psychology to influence user behavioue and left me questioning everything. Tapping into concepts like the curios…Nov 24
InUX CollectivebyAnna RátkaiThe negative impact of persuasive designWhy the discussion around the detrimental impact on the user and the environment is non-existent.Oct 10, 20238
Angela XuanThe Silver Age: Reimagining Women’s Attitudes Toward Aging Through PlayWhat if we could transform how young women view aging through the lens of fantasy and play? Our team set out to tackle the complex…3d ago3d ago
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InUX CollectivebyEmily YorgeyHow to build intentional UX in an era of persuasive technologyThe fine art of balancing attention and intentionSep 15, 20237Sep 15, 20237
InBootcampbyRichersWhen UX meets psychology: the subtle art of user influencelearn how UX design used psychology to influence user behavioue and left me questioning everything. Tapping into concepts like the curios…Nov 24
InUX CollectivebyAnna RátkaiThe negative impact of persuasive designWhy the discussion around the detrimental impact on the user and the environment is non-existent.Oct 10, 20238
Angela XuanThe Silver Age: Reimagining Women’s Attitudes Toward Aging Through PlayWhat if we could transform how young women view aging through the lens of fantasy and play? Our team set out to tackle the complex…3d ago
InUX PlanetbyDhairya NagpalIs the Future Outpacing the Law? Why We Need New Tech Rules Now“If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product” - Tristan HarrisAug 22
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InUX PlanetbyDhairya NagpalThe Ethical Dimensions of Human-Computer InteractionExamining the consequences of technology on society and human behaviourApr 5, 2023
Inux matebymehmet celikThe Art of Persuasive Design in UXThe art of employing design strategies to influence user behavior and encourage desired activities is known as persuasive design. It blends…Jul 9