BobbyGiggzThe Illusion of Military-Backed Currency: Debunking the Myth of the U.S. Dollar's Strength"The dollar is the world's currency... the reason that people have to trust that the dollar is a reliable currency is because it's…Nov 24
David ReavillThe PetroDollar R.I.P.With great sorrow, we announce the death of our dear friend and colleague, the PetroDollar. Petro passed from this financial plane on June…Jun 1016
CatsThoughtOnWorldThe End of the Petrodollar: What’s at Stake?“The end of the U.S. dollar will be the beginning of another’s supremacy.”Nov 4Nov 4
Sunny LakhaniThe History of Dollarization: How the U.S. Dollar Became the Global Reserve CurrencyOct 311Oct 311
BobbyGiggzThe Illusion of Military-Backed Currency: Debunking the Myth of the U.S. Dollar's Strength"The dollar is the world's currency... the reason that people have to trust that the dollar is a reliable currency is because it's…Nov 24
David ReavillThe PetroDollar R.I.P.With great sorrow, we announce the death of our dear friend and colleague, the PetroDollar. Petro passed from this financial plane on June…Jun 1016
CatsThoughtOnWorldThe End of the Petrodollar: What’s at Stake?“The end of the U.S. dollar will be the beginning of another’s supremacy.”Nov 4
Sunny LakhaniThe History of Dollarization: How the U.S. Dollar Became the Global Reserve CurrencyOct 311
Money Metals ExchangeDe-Dollarization: Could a Petroyuan Usurp the Petrodollar?Money Metals ExchangeOct 8
Omar IbrahimBeyond the Barrel: Is the Era of the Petrodollar Over?The original terms of the petrodollar deal no longer fit today’s reality. Fifty years ago, the US was Saudi Arabia’s main oil buyer. Now…Aug 20