Crystal XCreate a dashboard in Excel for the Titanic datasetNot long ago I carried out an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the Titanic dataset, and that EDA can be found here…Nov 26, 2024
Ojumeaka J. GodswillSales Data Analysis With Microsoft ExcelGoal: Analyze the sales data to identify trends, top-selling products, and revenue metrics for business decision-making.Sep 4, 2023
Crystal XUse Excel to make a simple interactive dashboard on an adult census datasetIn my last blog post I performed an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the adult census dataset, and it can be found here…Nov 14, 2024Nov 14, 2024
InGoPenAIbyJoydeep ChatterjeePivot Charts in Jupyter NotebooksTaking a Popular Package FurtherJun 20, 2023Jun 20, 2023
Crystal XUse Excel to create a dashboard for a sales order datasetIn my last video I performed an analysis in Excel of a sales order dataset and that post can be read here…Nov 11, 2024Nov 11, 2024
Crystal XCreate a dashboard in Excel for the Titanic datasetNot long ago I carried out an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the Titanic dataset, and that EDA can be found here…Nov 26, 2024
Ojumeaka J. GodswillSales Data Analysis With Microsoft ExcelGoal: Analyze the sales data to identify trends, top-selling products, and revenue metrics for business decision-making.Sep 4, 2023
Crystal XUse Excel to make a simple interactive dashboard on an adult census datasetIn my last blog post I performed an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the adult census dataset, and it can be found here…Nov 14, 2024
InGoPenAIbyJoydeep ChatterjeePivot Charts in Jupyter NotebooksTaking a Popular Package FurtherJun 20, 2023
Crystal XUse Excel to create a dashboard for a sales order datasetIn my last video I performed an analysis in Excel of a sales order dataset and that post can be read here…Nov 11, 2024
Crystal XUse Excel to create a simple dashboard on the Boston House Price datasetIn my last blog post I used Excel to perform an analysis of the Boston House Price dataset, and that blog post can be read here…Nov 5, 2024
SuUnderstanding Coffee Orders with Pivot Charts in ExcelLet us take a look at creating interactive dashboards in Excel to analyze and visualize coffee order and sales data.May 2, 2024
Anggi Firdian SaputraGet to Know About Pivot Table Pt.2Sorting, Filtering, and creating PivotChartsJan 25, 2023