InThe Good ShiftbyGood ShiftsShould we move beyond ‘Field Building’?Towards cultivating change ecosystems in placeAug 213
@Place MattersCentring equity and place-based approaches in systemic transformationAnna Powell, Megan Courtney, Liz Weaver, Danya Pastuszek, Emily Sun, Jo Blundell and Ritika KurupJul 6, 2023
@Place MattersHow do we build trust and belief in the effectiveness of place-based change?One of the dilemmas of place-based change is the difficulty to demonstrate value and impact in a way that works equally for those that fund…Aug 15Aug 15
InCompetitive EdgebyThe GFCCPlace-based Innovation: a Bottom-up Approach to Boost CompetitivenessSmall rural communities and large urban areas have different problems, but both face multifaceted challenges that require new approaches…Jul 29, 2022Jul 29, 2022
@Place MattersData Democracy in Place-based ChangeWhat is Data Democracy and why is it important?Jul 24Jul 24
InThe Good ShiftbyGood ShiftsShould we move beyond ‘Field Building’?Towards cultivating change ecosystems in placeAug 213
@Place MattersCentring equity and place-based approaches in systemic transformationAnna Powell, Megan Courtney, Liz Weaver, Danya Pastuszek, Emily Sun, Jo Blundell and Ritika KurupJul 6, 2023
@Place MattersHow do we build trust and belief in the effectiveness of place-based change?One of the dilemmas of place-based change is the difficulty to demonstrate value and impact in a way that works equally for those that fund…Aug 15
InCompetitive EdgebyThe GFCCPlace-based Innovation: a Bottom-up Approach to Boost CompetitivenessSmall rural communities and large urban areas have different problems, but both face multifaceted challenges that require new approaches…Jul 29, 2022
@Place MattersData Democracy in Place-based ChangeWhat is Data Democracy and why is it important?Jul 24
@Place MattersThe conditions for place-based success : Lessons learnt from a lifetime of community centred changePlace Matters summaries their webinar with Dame Julia Cleverdon and David Sanderson, sharing their experiences of place-based change work.Jul 22