Post Growth InstituteinPost Growth PerspectivesEmbodied Pathways to the Pluriverse: From Coloniality to RegenerationThe importance of restoring balance in our relationships with ourselves, each other, and the planet.Sep 61
Microsoft DesigninMicrosoft DesignPower of the PluriverseHow principles of radical interdependence can be applied to UXJan 26, 20232
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceDemystifying the ‘Pluriverse’ as the Hegemony UnravelsDifferentiating between multipolarity and pluriversalityFeb 192Feb 192
Sivakumar RaviDecolonizing Design: An Indian Perspective on PluriversalityEmbracing contextual pluriversality in Indian design thinkingAug 24Aug 24
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceReconstructing the ‘Pluriverse’ as the Hegemony Unravels — IVStories are pathways to a pluriversal worldJan 26Jan 26
Post Growth InstituteinPost Growth PerspectivesEmbodied Pathways to the Pluriverse: From Coloniality to RegenerationThe importance of restoring balance in our relationships with ourselves, each other, and the planet.Sep 61
Microsoft DesigninMicrosoft DesignPower of the PluriverseHow principles of radical interdependence can be applied to UXJan 26, 20232
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceDemystifying the ‘Pluriverse’ as the Hegemony UnravelsDifferentiating between multipolarity and pluriversalityFeb 192
Sivakumar RaviDecolonizing Design: An Indian Perspective on PluriversalityEmbracing contextual pluriversality in Indian design thinkingAug 24
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceReconstructing the ‘Pluriverse’ as the Hegemony Unravels — IVStories are pathways to a pluriversal worldJan 26
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceAn Era of DiscontinuityWe are at a point of discontinuity where one world is ending, and a new one is painfully being born.May 271
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceDeconstructing the Hegemony; Reconstructing the Pluriverse — IIIActive Hope is an antidote to HegemonyJan 17
Sahana ChattopadhyayinAge of EmergenceOf Borders, Cartography, and Pluriverse(s) — Part IThe unfolding of many possible futuresApr 141