writersbloqueWhy travel is the best thing to happen to you?Mundane is important for consistent progress but life happens when one travels.Sep 19
gihreadsYou Have to Stop Choosing What Isn’t Choosing YouA message of one who suffers from unrequited loveJul 6Jul 6
InDriftwood ChroniclebyTauna PierceBob Dylan — Profound, prophetic & a little bit magicA list of thought provoking lyrics and an awesome playlist tooOct 18, 2016Oct 18, 2016
writersbloqueWhy travel is the best thing to happen to you?Mundane is important for consistent progress but life happens when one travels.Sep 19
gihreadsYou Have to Stop Choosing What Isn’t Choosing YouA message of one who suffers from unrequited loveJul 6
InDriftwood ChroniclebyTauna PierceBob Dylan — Profound, prophetic & a little bit magicA list of thought provoking lyrics and an awesome playlist tooOct 18, 2016
Scott ElrodMoving With The Speed of Molassesmy mind regurgitates various scenarios ridiculous and not so mercilessly assaulting my sense of self and security leaving me fucking tired…Mar 11
Tara writes (Tara Star poetry)The fairytale taratalksOn happy ever after tarastarpoetry misogynistic undercurrents stories Dec 5, 2023