saima yasirUrdu Poetry With TranslationThis is my small effort to bring Urdu Poetry to as many people as possible. Hope you like it.Mar 2, 20244
Vera Bakonyi-TánczosBomb Crater by Tímea TuriTranslation of the poem “Bombakráter” by Hungarian poet Tímea Turi (1984-)Nov 20, 2024Nov 20, 2024
Eugene EhrenNabokov’s NostalgiaPoem translated: “An Execution” by Vladimir NabokovMay 19, 2023May 19, 2023
InGlobal Literary TheorybyVera Bakonyi-TánczosDream of a Man Playing his ViolinA poem by Hungarian poet Réka AndrássyNov 11, 20242Nov 11, 20242
saima yasirUrdu Poetry With TranslationThis is my small effort to bring Urdu Poetry to as many people as possible. Hope you like it.Mar 2, 20244
Vera Bakonyi-TánczosBomb Crater by Tímea TuriTranslation of the poem “Bombakráter” by Hungarian poet Tímea Turi (1984-)Nov 20, 2024
InGlobal Literary TheorybyVera Bakonyi-TánczosDream of a Man Playing his ViolinA poem by Hungarian poet Réka AndrássyNov 11, 20242
Vera Bakonyi-TánczosIn the Kitchen by Tímea TuriTranslation of the poem “A konyhában” by Hungarian poet Tímea Turi (1984-)Oct 18, 2024
InAdam Gaibyadam gaiPrimo Levi > “If This Is a Man”(translated from Italian by Stuart Woolf)) y mi versiónApr 28, 2019