InPortelierbyYafi Ahsan HakimUsability Testing📋Imagine this, you are a developer, your application is finished and works just like what you wanted, all you need to do is to distribute…Dec 23, 2020
InPortelierbyYafi Ahsan HakimDocker Orchestration🐳🐋For you programmers out there, have you heard about container and images? What about docker? If you are reading this right now, you…Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020
InpepeelbyIvana Irene ThomasPPL 2020 — Document Builder: Understanding User PersonaThis post is written as a part of individual review criteria of Fasilkom UI’s software engineering project course: PPL 2020Feb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020
InPortelierbyMuhammad Rafadana MountheiraUsability TestingUsability Testing is really an important part of a project. Just like the name, what we test in this case is the usability of our…Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020
InPortelierbyYafi Ahsan HakimUsability Testing📋Imagine this, you are a developer, your application is finished and works just like what you wanted, all you need to do is to distribute…Dec 23, 2020
InPortelierbyYafi Ahsan HakimDocker Orchestration🐳🐋For you programmers out there, have you heard about container and images? What about docker? If you are reading this right now, you…Dec 22, 2020
InpepeelbyIvana Irene ThomasPPL 2020 — Document Builder: Understanding User PersonaThis post is written as a part of individual review criteria of Fasilkom UI’s software engineering project course: PPL 2020Feb 24, 2020
InPortelierbyMuhammad Rafadana MountheiraUsability TestingUsability Testing is really an important part of a project. Just like the name, what we test in this case is the usability of our…Dec 22, 2020
Nathasya ElioraFlutter x Firebase, the Dynamic DuoAre you looking for an option of architecture for your app project? I have an idea, let’s talk about this duo.May 11, 2020
InPortelierbyMuhammad Rafadana MountheiraDocker OrchestrationIf you have been diving into computer and programming, you have probably seen the blue whale logo above. The logo above is the logo of…Dec 21, 2020
InpepeelbyIvana Irene ThomasPPL 2020 — Document Builder: Using GitThis post is written as a part of individual review criteria of Fasilkom UI’s software engineering project course: PPL 2020Feb 24, 2020