Sehban AlamAlmost Perfect Prettier Settings for Your Angular Projects: A Step-by-Step GuideSimplify Your Angular Codebase with This Step-by-Step Prettier Configuration GuideNov 302
Dmitry LyuskoHow to Set Up a Pre-commit Hook with Prettier and ESLint Using HuskyI’ll walk you through the steps to set up a pre-commit hook using Prettier, ESLint, Husky, and lint-staged, whether you’re using npm or…Jun 51
Murat TurkaySetup Prettier to Format Your Code — Useful PluginsIn this blog post, we’ll walk through setting up Prettier to format your code with some useful plugins. We’ll cover custom import sorting…Nov 25Nov 25
InYavarTechWorksbyVijaySetting up a ESLint, Prettier, Husky and lint-staged Integration with TypeScript in Next.js 13 | 14Next.js brings exciting updates and improvements, making it even more powerful and user-friendly. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to…Feb 293Feb 293
J. David MendozaHow to setup VueJS 3 with Vite, Typescript, UnoCSS, ESLint (flat config) and PrettierA year later ESLint 9 configuration has changed to something they are calling a flat file. This article uses this new format. If you’re…Nov 15Nov 15
Sehban AlamAlmost Perfect Prettier Settings for Your Angular Projects: A Step-by-Step GuideSimplify Your Angular Codebase with This Step-by-Step Prettier Configuration GuideNov 302
Dmitry LyuskoHow to Set Up a Pre-commit Hook with Prettier and ESLint Using HuskyI’ll walk you through the steps to set up a pre-commit hook using Prettier, ESLint, Husky, and lint-staged, whether you’re using npm or…Jun 51
Murat TurkaySetup Prettier to Format Your Code — Useful PluginsIn this blog post, we’ll walk through setting up Prettier to format your code with some useful plugins. We’ll cover custom import sorting…Nov 25
InYavarTechWorksbyVijaySetting up a ESLint, Prettier, Husky and lint-staged Integration with TypeScript in Next.js 13 | 14Next.js brings exciting updates and improvements, making it even more powerful and user-friendly. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to…Feb 293
J. David MendozaHow to setup VueJS 3 with Vite, Typescript, UnoCSS, ESLint (flat config) and PrettierA year later ESLint 9 configuration has changed to something they are calling a flat file. This article uses this new format. If you’re…Nov 15
Alex NedopakaSetup a React Vite project with TypeScript, Prettier & Vitest [2024]Easy instructions for quick setupFeb 132
Luka SamkharadzeLinting in new ERA — WebFour years ago, I wrote a Medium article about problems that might arise when working in a team or when it’s just us working on the…Nov 13
Alex NedopakaSetup a React Vite project with Prettier & Vitest [2024]Easy instructions for quick setupFeb 12