ProdPadMaking Your Product Demo Better as a Product Manager | ProdPadIf you’re working within a sales-led, or a hybrid blend of product-led growth and sales-led growth, then does it sometimes feel like…Nov 14
ProdPadHow to Run a Product Value Proposition Workshop | ProdPadTo create a product that resonates with your customers you need a product value proposition statement to guide you. One of the best ways to…Oct 3Oct 3
Oleh DubetckyCreating Product Value: The 12 PMBOK 7 PrinciplesPMI (Project Management Institute) published the 7th edition of its PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) standard in 2021. The new…Feb 19Feb 19
Daniel MenezesPreserving Value, Enhancing ExperienceThe UX Strategy Behind Product Acquisitions at MRI SoftwareJul 1Jul 1
ProdPadMaking Your Product Demo Better as a Product Manager | ProdPadIf you’re working within a sales-led, or a hybrid blend of product-led growth and sales-led growth, then does it sometimes feel like…Nov 14
ProdPadHow to Run a Product Value Proposition Workshop | ProdPadTo create a product that resonates with your customers you need a product value proposition statement to guide you. One of the best ways to…Oct 3
Oleh DubetckyCreating Product Value: The 12 PMBOK 7 PrinciplesPMI (Project Management Institute) published the 7th edition of its PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) standard in 2021. The new…Feb 19
Daniel MenezesPreserving Value, Enhancing ExperienceThe UX Strategy Behind Product Acquisitions at MRI SoftwareJul 1
Alina JahaniDelivering Product ValueMVP. 2 years ago, my impulsive response to this acronym would be Most Valued Player. But I was no longer in the sports world, I was in the…Aug 11, 2021
InUX CollectivebyKayla BrianneThe secret to user onboardingEvery product in the whole world has an onboarding. It’s like death or taxes: it’s inescapable. You might spend one second thinking about…May 21, 2020