ANNE THE ACEPHALEProperty as Ontology; Some notes on Use-Occupancy (Clarifications and Misunderstandings)The ontology of Property; Possession and DomainDec 10, 20221
ANNE THE ACEPHALETHE MYSTICISM OF DEMOCRACY; Anarchy against the veilIt is not enough to show Democracy is a conducive to liberty.Sep 26, 2022
ANNE THE ACEPHALETowards a Antinomic Materialism; + Theses on a Proudhonian theory of History (?)i. All things exist as force (Positive expression of Will), these forces are necessarily heterogeneous, a pure differentiation between…Sep 26, 2022Sep 26, 2022
IrohDeleuzian? DraftsA continuation of the “mutualist drafts.” unfinished thoughts that im still working through and that i might as well let yall see, unedited…Jul 25, 2022Jul 25, 2022
ANNE THE ACEPHALEProudhon, the last Hobbesian or first Anarchist?Proudhon; One or Many ForcesSep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
ANNE THE ACEPHALEProperty as Ontology; Some notes on Use-Occupancy (Clarifications and Misunderstandings)The ontology of Property; Possession and DomainDec 10, 20221
ANNE THE ACEPHALETHE MYSTICISM OF DEMOCRACY; Anarchy against the veilIt is not enough to show Democracy is a conducive to liberty.Sep 26, 2022
ANNE THE ACEPHALETowards a Antinomic Materialism; + Theses on a Proudhonian theory of History (?)i. All things exist as force (Positive expression of Will), these forces are necessarily heterogeneous, a pure differentiation between…Sep 26, 2022
IrohDeleuzian? DraftsA continuation of the “mutualist drafts.” unfinished thoughts that im still working through and that i might as well let yall see, unedited…Jul 25, 2022
ANNE THE ACEPHALEProudhon, the last Hobbesian or first Anarchist?Proudhon; One or Many ForcesSep 24, 2022
IrohAnarchists: Over-Imaginative Escapists.Our society is one of failure. Fetishized futures, fetishized pasts, and yet a horrifying and never ending present. A Lovecraftian beast of…Oct 30, 2021
Chris GeorgeRoyal Road to Science — Marx Engels Collected Works Volume 6, Marx and Engels 1845–1848Welcome back. The organization of this entry will be as follows:Nov 20, 2020
connectjob_ioConnectJob listens to its communityThis is probably a first in the complex world that the cryptocurrency ICO industry has become. ConnectJob, whom I have the great honor of…Dec 4, 2017